Wondering if you have retinal disorders? Well, retina is basically a thin tissue layer located at the interior part of the back wall of your eye. It consists of millions of rod and cone cells (light sensitive cells) which receive and organize visual information. The main function of retina is to convert light into electric signals, which are ultimately carried to our brain by our optic nerve. The final result is our brain perceives these signals as images.
Damage to your retina due to any genetic diseases, injuries or some other reasons are the prime origin of retinal disorders. Find out how to manage your retinal disorder!
A retinal disorder suggests that any part of your retina is affected, including macula (the central part allowing you to visualize the details). You might inherit retinal disorders from your genetic background. As most of the retinal diseases affect your vision and might even end up in blindness, it is crucial to treat these disorders in time.
Retinal disorders can be of several types. For instance, some general retinal diseases include:
On the other hand, retinal disorders particularly affecting the macular are:
Here are some of the retinal disorders which we often inherit, such as:
Losses of rod and cone cells causing photoreceptor degeneration, glaucoma or retinopathy related to diabetes are common occurrences in the US. Studies show that nearly 11.8 million of the overall US population is suffering from eye diseases.
Some common symptoms of retinal disorders include:
When it comes to the causes of retinal disorders, there are a several reasons to blame:
You might be more likely to develop retinal disorders due to factors like:
Remember that untreated retinal disorders gradually lead to vision loss and ultimately end up in complete blindness. It is better to see an ophthalmologist once you start observing any symptom.
An eye examination is the primary process of diagnosing your retinal disorder. This includes the dentist applying eye drops to make your eyes dilated. This helps them get a better look of your retina. Once your ophthalmologist suspects any issues with the retina, you are further referred to a retina specialist.
You will also require undertaking certain tests to check for or monitor retinal disorders. These include:
If you find trouble to see things clearly, we are more than happy to help. Arrange an appointment with our optometrist and get early treatment.
Contact Us NowWhen it comes to treating retinal disorders, the treatment process varies according to the type of the disease. While some treatments slow down the worsening of the disease, some other treatments tend to completely stop the disease. Major treatments for retinal disorders include surgical options, laser treatments, medications or injections.
For instance, vitrectomy is a surgery effective in treating retinal disorders like:
Injections can again manage the following retinal conditions such as:
Laser treatments are again effective for conditions like:
Retinal detachment can also be treated with:
Antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs are also used to treat different retinal conditions.
Among the major side effects associated with retinal disorder treatments are surgical risks like:
The recovery time varies according to the type of treatment you are going through. For example, a gas bubble in the eye requires several weeks to heal. On the other hand, if you are getting an injection in your eye, it does not really have a recovery time but just need rest and avoid rubbing eyes.
You can’t actually prevent retinal disorders, but lower your chances of getting it by:
An overall idea of retinal disorders allows you stay informed about the origin of the disease, symptoms and many more. It also makes way for your early diagnosis. Contact our ophthalmologists at Vision Cure Clinic to find out exceptional solutions if you are a victim of retinal disorder.
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