Dry Eye Treatment in New York

If you have been suffering from itchy eyes for a sufficiently long time, chances are high that you have dry eyes. Worry not – you can opt for a cost-effective eye checkup from us at Vision Cure Clinic! A leading name in optical care, Vision Cure Clinic employs the best ophthalmologists to treat every type of eye issue. Moreover, we examine your eyes with sophisticated equipment to ensure the best treatment plan catered specifically for you. So, do not sit back and opt for the best dry eye treatment in NYC today!

Dry Eye: A quick overview

Lacrimal glands secrete tears that help moisten the eye surface. Tears are mainly responsible for cleansing any accumulated debris and preventing infections. However, insufficient secretion leads to a condition known as dry eyes. This can severely disrupt your normal life. In extreme cases, it can inflame the eye’s surface and lead to complications like ulcers, tissue scarring, and, to some extent, vision loss.

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What Causes Dry Eyes?

Here's a complete list of the reasons for dry eye syndrome.

  • Inflamed eye surface, tear glands or the conjunctiva layer
  • Disorder of endocrinal glands (for example, thyroid problem)
  • Cosmetic eye surgery
  • Dermal disease, which affects the skin around the eyes or the eyelids
  • Disease of associated glandular structures in the eyes
  • Side effects due to LASIK or similar eye surgeries
  • Staring at digital screens for long periods without giving pause
  • Extreme doses of vitamins (either too high or too low)
  • Homeopathic medications
  • Loss of sensory reflexes due to prolonged use of contact lenses
  • Pregnancy or menopause
  • Age-related disorders
  • Use of certain medicines like antihistamines, nasal decongestants, tranquillizers, blood thinning agents, etc.
  • Certain drugs like contraceptive pills and anti-depressants
  • Previous allergies
  • Autoimmune conditions, such as Sjögren's syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis etc.
  • Inflammation of the cornea (frontal white layer of the eyes)

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of dry eyes can range from mild to extreme. Here’s what you can expect.

Types of dry eye

There are two types of dry eye syndrome, namely:

Aqueous tear-deficient dry eye: 

This is the most common disorder involving insufficient secretion of the watery part of tears.

Evaporative dry eye:

Characterized by inflamed lacrimal glands that secrete the oily portion of tears. When this layer is not present, the quality of tears becomes low. It becomes unstable and evaporates quickly, leaving the eyes highly dried.

Treatments We Offer

Vision Cure Clinic is your one-stop destination if you are looking for the best dry eye specialists in New York City! We offer a wide range of optical solutions to alleviate your eye’s dryness and help increase visual acuity. Moreover, we employ cutting-edge technology and specialized tools to determine the actual reason behind your symptoms. This allows doctors to prepare a well-customized treatment plan that specifically caters to your needs. We provide treatments like:

Artificial tears: 

This is the first-line treatment option and consists of over-the-counter artificial tears, gels, gel-like artificial inserts, ointments, etc. These are beneficial in relieving dryness by preserving the moisture within. However, we ask you to refrain from using them with preservatives if you need to apply for more than four times daily.


Cyclosporine is the best anti-inflammatory medicine for treating eye dryness. We use it to minimize corneal damage and increase tear production. This medicine may take three to six months to give optimum results. In certain severe cases, we prescribe temporary corticosteroid eye drops to manage inflammation.

Therapeutic contact lenses:

Chronicdry eye syndrome can make blinking difficult. This is because when the eyelids rub against the dried-up surface, it results in greater friction and pain. To alleviate such discomfort, we recommend patients use therapeutic contact lenses. These lenses protect the surface tissue of the eyes from wear and tear by lubricating it.

Lacrimal Plugs:

We use these lacrimal plugs, also known as punctual plugs, to ensure optimal drainage from the tear ducts. Our specialized eye surgeons can painlessly incorporate them into the drainage holes of the eyes.

Punctal Cautery:

We perform this simple surgery to treat severe cases of dry eyes when the tear drainage holes become permanently blocked. This helps retain the tears, although little is produced.  

On-site procedures: 

These are performed in the clinic. Some typical treatment procedures of this type are:

Thermal pulsation therapy (or Lipiflow):

We recommend this therapy to people who do not have a stable tear film or which gets evaporated quickly. The process involves gently massaging the eyelids to generate warmth and produce oil from the meibomian glands.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy:

We use light pulses to thaw the thick accumulations obstructing the meibomian glands. This ensures the cleaning of the duct passage so the oil can flow freely.

Meet Our Experienced Team Now!

If you want quality dry eye treatment in NYC, visit Vision Cure Clinic without a second thought. Our experienced eye doctors and committed medical staff will give you their best so you can enjoy crystal-clear eyesight for the rest of your life. So, do not delay and book your appointment today!

Facing irritation and dryness in the eyes?

Delay no more and contact to book an appointment in our NYC eye care centre today!

Have More Doubts About Dry Eyes?FAQs

Well, there is no such cure available yet. At the most, ophthalmologists can use a variety of treatment options that help manage the intensity of dry eye syndrome, such as artificial tears, medicated eye drops, and simple operative procedures.

This depends on the respective patient's condition. For some, the symptoms may last for a few hours, while for others, this may extend up to weeks or even more. Just ensure that you do not ignore it for long; otherwise, it may lead to a chronic condition.

Most patients suffering from eye dryness complain of vision problems and lack of focus, which is characterized by difficulty reading and performing regular activities.

Dry eyes do not normally lead to headaches. But, in extreme cases, the excessive stress in your eyes can trigger a throbbing pain in your head. Thus, it is better to consult a certified eye specialist before it gets too late.

Certain agents trigger dryness of the eyes. These include existing allergies, hormonal imbalances, weather conditions and more. Here’s a list of tips that you can follow to prevent dried-up eye symptoms.

  • Add foods that are enriched in omega-3 fatty acids, like whole eggs, carrots, seeds and nuts. These natural oil producers can help prevent the evaporation of tears from your eyes.
  • Follow the “20-20-20 rule” while working long hours in front of computer or mobile screens. In this, you need to look away from the screen at least at a distance of twenty feet after every twenty minutes for twenty seconds. This is beneficial in relieving the strain from the eyes due to prolonged work.
  • Keep air vents, exhaust fans, or heaters away from your eyes to prevent warm air from entering them. This will greatly ease eye dryness.

Dry eyes can result in greater friction on the frontal surface in severe situations. Since your eyes will already be dry, the tendency to rub them frequently increases. This results in unwanted scratches and scars to form, making it difficult to focus light rays for better focus. When such a condition is left untreated, it may lead to permanent loss of vision or damage to the eyes.

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