Implantable Contact Lens Surgery in New York

Planning to have Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) surgery in New York? Tired of your old glasses and contact lenses? Achieve your visual freedom today with exceptional solutions at our Vision Cure Clinic. Our leading ophthalmologists and eye specialists across the US promise that you can explore the world with a new and exciting view after the ICL surgery. Read on more to find out the benefits and procedure of ICL surgery in NYC.

Understanding   Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) Surgery

The Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) surgery corrects your vision with the help of EVO ICL (an implantable lens), and without the need of any lens replacement or removal of your corneal tissue. In fact, this surgery includes placing the ICL permanently on the existing natural lens of your eye. Besides treating common refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, ICL is also a great option for improving your day and night vision. It also eliminates the need for wearing contact lenses or glasses.

The other name for ICL is Implantable Collamer Lens as it is made of an advanced soft material called Biocompatible Collamer Material which is suitable for your eye. It is a painless procedure and requires less than 20 to 30 minutes to complete. After getting an ICL surgery, you can immediately experience an improvement in your vision. It gives you a sharper, more acute and vivid vision which cannot be achieved even by contact lenses or glasses.

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What are its Benefits?

There are a number of benefits of getting an ICL surgery in New York, such as:

  • Short recovery time
  • Minimal to no glare, haze and halos
  • Do not require much medications post the surgery
  • A safe and effective alternative for patients who are unfit for undergoing PRK or LASIK eye surgery
  • Patients with severe myopia or near-sightedness but are not eligible for LASIK can easily go for this option
  • Unlike permanent surgeries like PRK or LASIK, ICL are flexibly removable
  • As the lens implant in ICL surgery is placed over your natural eye lens, it gives you additional protection against the sun’s UV rays; just like sunglasses
  • As the main material of the implant lens is made of biocompatible collamer, it fits perfectly with the natural chemcistry of your eyes
  • Does not interfere with the corneal tissues or nerves like PRK or LASIK
  • A perfect option for patients with dry eye condition
  • It is a process of reversible implantation
  • Gives you an immediate high resolution vision
  • ICL cannot be noticed once they are implanted in place
  • Improved night vision
  • Around 99% patient satisfaction
  • This surgery is popular; performed over 1 million cases worldwide

Why chooseVision Cure Clinic for ICL surgery?

If you are looking forward to get an Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) Surgery in NYC, we are undoubtedly a great option for you. This is because our team includes top eye specialists, ophthalmologists, and surgeons, ensuring exceptional care and outcomes. We also utilize state-of-the-art medical equipment and the latest techniques for delivering superior treatment to our patients. We tailor solutions to meet each patient’s unique needs and concerns. Lastly, your comfort and well-being are our priorities, providing a stress-free experience during your surgery.

What to expect for your ICL surgery?


Before starting with the ICL surgery, our eye surgeon will first prepare a prescription of the measurements of your vision. Our ophthalmologist will perform a detailed examination of your eyes during the initial consultation, and also conduct corneal mapping, and calculation of the lens and refraction. All these measurements are used to determine the power of your lens which is to be implanted.

Another instruction as mostly recommended by our expert ophthalmologists is that you need to stop wearing contact lenses or glasses, whatever you use, 2 weeks from before your appointment. This is to make sure that your eyes are in the best condition for diagnosis and tests.


At first, our ICL surgeon dilates or enlarges your pupil with the help of an eye drop. Next the surgeon makes your eyes numb by applying drops. The surgeon then makes a small incision in your eye. Finally, the surgeon places the EVO ICL over the natural lens of your eye.


The small incision will take only 1 to 2 weeks from after your surgery to heal. In fact, most of the patients report that they can resume their regular activities just within a few days’ time from after the surgery. You might, however, experience minimal discomfort overnight, or might also face a short post-operative drop treatment period. Make sure to attend the follow-up appointments as instructed by our surgeon to evaluate the effective progression of your treatment.

Am I a good Candidate for ICL?

Our expert ophthalmologists, eye surgeons and ICL specialists check a number of criteria first to make sure if you are eligible to undertake the ICL surgery. This might include from checking your corneal thickness or tear production to examining your refractive error stability, pupil size, or curvature of your eye.

If you meet the following criteria, you are an eligible candidate to undergo ICL:

  • Aged between 21 to 45 years and have a refractive error
  • Having high prescription contact lenses or thick eyeglasses
  • Looking forward to correct myopia or astigmatism
  • Patients having eye conditions like keratoconus or dry eye, and are unfit for LASIK
  • Have a stable eye condition over a year
  • Engaged in a contact sports or similar activities which do not support corneal flap
  • Not a candidate of nursing or pregnancy
  • Having good ocular health with no medical records of iritis, diabetic eye disease or glaucoma

Patients with the following criteria must not undergo ICL as per the recommendations of our ophthalmologists:

  • Patients with cataracts affecting vision
  • An unstable refractive error
  • Having some ongoing or past record of autoimmune disorder as this can affect the healing process
  • Not having the minimum endothelial cell density

Consult your ophthalmologist to find out if ICL is the right choice for you.

Book your consultation

Contact our eye specialists and leading ophthalmologists to get the best treatment and solution for your eye health and vision correction needs. Call Vision Cure Clinic at +1 (516) 956-1932 or mail us at to book your appointment with one of our eye doctors.


The EVO ICL is an Implantable Collamer Lens made from a biocompatible material designed to work seamlessly with the eye. Slightly smaller than a standard contact lens, it is implanted during a quick 20 to 30-minute procedure.

Yes, along with being a permanent procedure ICL or implantable contact lenses are removable as per your need.

The ICL surgery is a completely painless procedure as the eye surgeon numbs your eye with the help of eye drops.

Once implanted in place, the ICL can neither be felt, nor does it interact with your eye structures at all because of its unobtrusive design.

The cost of ICL basically starts from $4000 per eye. However, this cost depends on the severity of your condition, the clinic and the eye doctor you are seeing.

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