Pterygium Eye Surgery in New York

Feeling an abnormal growth in your eye? Consult an ophthalmologist immediately to check your symptom. Vision Cure Clinic presents you the best eye specialists for pterygium eye surgery in New York who use latest technologies and modern research ideas to treat your eye condition. Contact us for your diagnosis with our expert ophthalmologists at Vision Cure Clinic. With the medical advice of our top eye specialists, you can get to experience the best vision correction of your life. If you are a candidate of pterygium removal surgery NYC, you can book a consultation with us promptly. 

Pterygium Eye Surgery:An Overview

A pterygium is a wing shaped growth on conjunctiva, the white part of your eye. This gradually extends up to the cornea. It is to note that individuals spending a lot of time in the sun are more likely to develop pterygium. In fact, exposure to dust, wind and ultraviolet rays of the sun are responsible for worsening your situation.

However, pterygium is quite safe to monitor as there are no chances of malignancy. Pterygium usually produces symptoms like redness, irritation, grittiness, inflammation and foreign body sensation in your eye. This is a much alarming condition from a cosmetic viewpoint. However, occurrence of astigmatism or growth of the pterygium over the pupillary axis can also degrade your vision. The best solution to this condition is pterygium eye surgery that involves removal of this wing shaped growth from the cornea or sclera of your eye.

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Pterygium Signs and Symptoms

Among the most common symptoms of pterygium are:






Severe growth of the pterygium extends up to the pupil of your eye, thereby limiting your vision.

Pterygium Causes

The exact causes of pterygium (other name is pingueculum) are not clear. However, some probable causes as suggested by our ophthalmologists are:

  • The most common assumption indicates exposure to UV rays of the sun as the prime cause of pterygium. Therefore, people residing in the areas of or near the equator are highly prone to develop pterygium.
  • Persistent exposure to a dry, dusty or windy environment can also be another suspected risk of the condition.
  • People involved in water sports like fishing or surfing are again more likely to get pterygium symptoms.
  • Genetic risks like past records of pterygium in any of your family member.

The prolonged persistence of these causes thickening of your conjunctiva, leading to production of a red and irritated eye. As a result of this, collagen present in your eyes begins to deteriorate. However, the occurrence of pterygium is more common in males as compared to females.

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Treatment of Pterygium at Vision Cure Clinic

You can treat mild conditions of pterygium by using our artificial tears. It significantly reduces irritation and dryness of your eyes.

On the other hand, severe cases of pterygium largely affect your vision. Surgical options become the most potential solutions in such cases. Pterygium removal surgery NYC is a definite way for prompt treatment of your severe pterygium. However, this method requires long term follow ups. It also includes the underlying risks of returning back of your pterygium.

Conjunctival Auto Grafting

One of the safest and most effective techniques of removing your pterygium through surgery is conjunctival auto grafting. In this process, our ophthalmologists completely remove your conjunctiva, the tissue surrounding your sclera, along with the pterygium present within. We transplant tissues from your upper eye onto the bare sclera.

Amniotic Membrane Transplantation

Another effective pterygium eye surgery New York is the transplantation of your amniotic membrane. Here we transplant tissues from the interior portion of your placenta and place it on the surface of your eye for its reconstruction. This surgical option reduces the welling of your eye and enhances the healing process.

Post-surgery care

Our ophthalmologists use this medication in the surgical procedures to resist the chances of recurrent occurrences of pterygium.

Book Your Comprehensive Ophthalmic Consultation Ready for your vision correction? Contact Vision Cure Clinic today to get Pterygium consultations with our expert eye specialists.

What to expect from ourPterygium surgery?

You will have to take antibiotic drops as prescribed by our eye specialist. Our ophthalmologist will decide the course of medication that will continue from some days prior to the pterygium surgery and will also extend up to a few weeks after the surgery. The surgery is basically a painless and comfortable process that requires more or less 45 minutes.

After removal of the pterygium growth, they usually place a healthy conjunctival tissue or special amniotic membrane over the area of your defect. You may experience a minimal discomfort for some days after your surgery, but the use of our doctor prescribed ointment would help alleviate this issue. You can also get a red and inflamed eye for up to a few weeks after your surgery. This condition will restore back to your normal eye within some weeks. You can get back to your regular activities from the next day of the surgery.


You may have to use an eye patch for 1 or 2 days after your pterygium surgery. However, you can easily get back to your normal work routine from the very next day with the instruction of our eye specialist. Try to avoid rubbing your eyes; this can cause disruption of your graft otherwise. The recovery time varies from a few weeks to even a couple of months. Our eye specialist doctor may also prescribe certain steroid eye drops to prevent any further occurrence of pterygium or swelling in your eyes.


There are certain ways to prevent the growth of your pterygium. According to the instruction of our eye specialist:

  • Putting on sunglasses and hats when you are outdoors to protect your eyes from any dust, wind or sunlight exposure
  • Try to avoid direct exposure of your eyes to sunlight when you are spending much time in snow or water
  • Try to avoid environmental irritants like wind, dust, smoke or other chemical pollutants
  • Practise using correct eye safety equipment when you are at working environments
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FAQs on Pterygium

In some rare cases, pterygium may eventually lead to blindness. This is why eye specialists do not usually recommend pterygium surgeries unless your symptoms are getting severe. Use of UVA and UVB blocking sunglasses when you are outdoors is a smart way to prevent pterygium.

Pterygium usually keeps growing up to several motnhs or even years in some cases. After a point of time, this growth comes to a stop. However, growth of pterygium covering your cornea often leads to vision impairments. Adults between 20s and 40s are more prone to pterygium growth.

You can get a normal eye with little to no traces of redness from around 2 to 4 weeks of your pterygium surgery.

If your pterygium growth is producing serious irritations, it is inevitable to remove your pterygium. Aggressive growth of the pterygium or its hazardous impacts on your vision and some other cosmetic reasons may also require your pterygium removal.

Surgical intervention is the only treatment for your pterygium. You must be aware of risks and side effects underlying your pterygium eye surgery New York. The surgical procedure is painless; however you may get to experience painful eyes for some days after your surgery.

After you get surgeries on the outer parts of your eyelids (like pterygium or eyebrow lifting surgeries), you can definitely go for a stress

You can practise normal reading and watching TV from after 4 weeks of your pterygium surgery. Remember to consult your ophthalmologist once your vision deteriorates.

The charges for your pterygium eye surgery New York varies with the severity of your eye condition. The professional experience and expertise of the eye surgeon, the type of surgery you are undergoing or the average lifestyle costs in the city you are residing are major factors determining your surgery costs. Contact the eye clinic to get a quote for your pterygium eye surgery.

Pterygium eye surgery is a safe surgical procedure that consumes around 30 to 40 minutes. However, you need to know when you are undertaking a pterygium surgery that there are chances of recurrent growth of pterygium even after your surgery.

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